Hello from my Keetawat page

It's fine to look around on my page.

Project maintained by KeetaSri Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Who is Keetawat

Just an ordinary person with high hope and high expectations, with a lot of passion on become one as a game developer.

Though I still lack of knowledge to create a masterpiece of my own video game.

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My Education

I’m a Software and Knowledge and currently studying at Kasetsart University.

Love all the subject that fuel my need for gaming material.

But the backlash hit me by sending all my worse subject to F grade, cause I don’t care that much.


# Programming
- Java
- Java Script
- C
- C++

# Language
- Thai
- English (UK)

# Social
- Outgoing
- Self-Confident
- Talkative

My Experience

Since I’m so obsessed with video game, each time that I go through doing some homework project,

I will develop some new game on it and present it to the professor, but not all the project are game project though.

Here is a work that I made, some are done in group.

This game using Cocos2d framework and run on a python server

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Link for the game Click.

A monitor website that control the hardware around the plant nursery box. I been assign as a front-end developer and responsible for website looks and UI.

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Link for the source code Click.

Link for the projcet detail Click.

A 2d side scrolling game that create with Java GUI, this is group work though.

This project is the first time we try to create a replay to look back what happened before on last 5 seconds.

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Link for the game Click.

An E-Commerce website that sell coffee bean. This is the first time playing with Django.

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Link for the source code Click.

First time using Unity3D to create a game. This is more like a jump quest game.

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Link for the game Click. This can be play online.

A survey app on Android for my professor. I’m still working on this and it still lack of some features.

Currently I’m gonna try and hook it up on Firebase Database.


Link video for explanation Click.


You can contact me via non-official email » keetawat.s@hotmail.com

or you can leave a message on my youtube channel here Click.

Here’s my Steam profile » https://steamcommunity.com/id/muang52 [If you wanna join my gaming experience.]